Unity & Resilience:


years of global cooperation

A blue and white image of a historical building at the Palais des Nations, which has tall windows and faces a large courtyard.
A blue and white image of a historical building at the Palais des Nations, which has tall windows and faces a large courtyard.
A blue and white image of a historical building at the Palais des Nations, which has tall windows and faces a large courtyard.

At the beginning of 2020, we could not have imagined that our world would be upended to the extent that it was. The COVID-19 pandemic has affected us in a multitude of ways: from the immediate health and economic impacts to changes to our ways of living and working. It has magnified inequalities and slowed progress towards achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The reverberations will be felt well beyond 2020. 

Tatiana Valovaya,
Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva
Secretary-General of the Conference on Disarmament

In these uncertain times, the resilience of humankind shines through, offering hope through collective action. Multilateralism is at the core of the United Nations; strengthening and supporting this collaborative foundation has proven more crucial now than ever. 

read the foreword
A stylized image composed of a head and shoulders silhouette of a woman (on the left) and a head and shoulders silhouette of a man (on the right).
UN Secretariat staff in Geneva
A stylized image of a tap with a drop of water.
of water were used on the Palais des Nations campus
A stylized image of two bags with dollar signs on their front.
payments were processed
A stylized image of the COVID-19 virus.
workplace risk assessments were conducted
A stylized image of a graduate, wearing a mortar board hat, and two books.
people participated in 528 learning activities
A stylized image of a globe, with two people icons on different sides of the globe and an arrow linking them.
high-level visitors were welcomed at UN Geneva
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A stylized illustration showing a person riding a bicycle, a person running and two birds flying above them.

and you (th)

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