our goal is to make all meetings inclusive and accessible.

Interpreters provide simultaneous oral translation of conference and meeting proceedings.

A photo taken through a small window into an interpretation booth. Inside, a woman sits at a desk in front of a large window. She is looking at documents on the desk. A laptop, screen and other equipment are on the desk on front of her. Through the window in front of her, below, is a large conference room. Many people are sitting at desks in the conference room.
A photo taken from below, looking up to a windowed room. Two women are facing each other inside the room. The woman on the left stands in front a blue wall, gesturing. On the right is television screen and lighting equipment.
A sign language interpreter communicates conference proceedings in International Sign.
A photo of a large room with a mural at the end of it. On the right, two people are seated at a long desk. They are working at laptops in front of them and wearing headphones and facemasks. More equipment is next to them. On the left there is a flip chart and lighting equipment. At the back of the room, in front of the mural, is a large television screen and more lighting equipment.
Staff of the UN Library and Archives Geneva facilitate an online event.
A photo from the back of a large conference room. At the front of the room, above the podium, is a large screen showing a shot of the conference room. People are mingling near the podium and first rows of desks and chairs. In the foreground of the photo, facing away, is a man operating a video camera and wearing headphones.
A videographer with the United Nations Information Service in Geneva records conference proceedings.
A woman sits in front of a computer inside the UN Geneva webcast studio, watching a live webcast on the screen.
The webcast team of the United Nations Information Service in Geneva broadcasts conference proceedings via UN Web TV.
In the foreground of the photo is a tripod, surrounded by cords and other equipment. In the background, a woman is seated at a table and speaking into a handheld microphone. In front of her, on the table, is another microphone. Behind her are chairs and wooden shelves with books.
A staff member of the United Nations Information Service in Geneva provides technical moderation at a press briefing.
In a conference room with a large screen and wooden walls, people are listening to a singer, a guitarist and a pianist perform. In the foreground, facing away from the camera, a man is seated at a desk with a nameplate that says “reserved”. He is using his phone to capture the performance.
A staff member of the United Nations Information Service in Geneva captures activities for social media.

Photography: Lai Sanders; Matija Potocnik; Philippe Morard; Niverte Noberasco; Violaine Martin