Involve marginalized actors in the discussion about consumption and production.
action 162
Intensify cooperation for a sustainable lifestyle.
action 163
Strengthen partnerships on SCP by involving the private sector with multistakeholder actors as the former holds the capital, an array of technologies, the knowledge and software necessary to endorse SCP patterns.
action 164
Support developing countries by buying exported fair-trade goods from local producers in these countries.
action 165
Encourage your government to meet its commitments and obligations in the international agreements on hazardous waste and other chemicals that they have ratified.
action 166
Support the inclusion of unskilled workers.
action 167
Engage and include youth in the decision-making processes.
action 168
Encourage partnerships between developed countries and the developing world.
action 169
Encourage countries to work together to find compelling solutions to many urgent threats facing the global community (e.g. The Great Green Wall, The Great Barrier Reef).
action 170
Remember the 17 SDGs are the roadmap to embrace sustainable lifestyles. Promote them!