
The way we live, eat, drink, shop, consume and produce indirectly impacts several of the Sustainable Development Goals. As a matter of fact, Sustainable Consumption and Production (SCP) is closely interlinked with nearly all other goals and, therefore, the achievement of SDG 12 will also have a positive impact and be a significant step to reach other goals. To put it simply, if we act and lean towards more sustainable lifestyles by simply making little changes in our daily life, not only will we be more sustainable consumers and producers, but we will indirectly contribute to the mitigation of climate change (SDG13), the reduction of inequalities (SDG10), poverty (SDG1) and hunger (SDG2). 

By 2050, if current consumption and production patterns remain unchanged, the planet will need 183 billion tons of material every year which, in addition to representing three times today’s amount, will be impossible to sustain. These 170 Actions may appear as little impactful for you as an individual, but keep in mind that 7.9 billion people making a little effort goes a long way.

Before you
keep in mind

  • The human activity of production and consumption is extremely intertwined and has complex value chains - this is why we stress the word “sustainable” in the sense that the actions you take should possibly contribute to alleviate a problem at its roots and not just getting rid of “symptoms”. 
  • We all live in different surroundings, climates, social and economic spheres and landscapes, health conditions and carry different responsibilities. So not all ideas may be applicable to every single person.
  • The ideas in this website are basic - adapt the ideas to your personal environment, such that they make sense being put into practice where you are. 
  • In general, it’s about aspiring the balance. It would be wrong to say that the whole world population must reduce its consumption, as a significant part of the world’s population has hardly any access to basic living requirements. Still, try to keep in mind that it is generally about asking yourself if you need something and if yes, how much you need it, or if there would be a more environmentally friendly alternative to it.
  • While greatly inspired by the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals, some of the ideas provided may seem to go beyond this scope. Sometimes, the ideas complement the SDGs well, and sometimes certain ideas align with more than one goal. This further portrays the intersectionality of climate change, and how there are endless opportunities to tackle it, if we all work together.


Embrace a sustainable lifestyle.
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